This Melting EOS Lip Balm Video Has Everyone Fascinated

When it comes to the weird wonders that emerge from the dark corners of the Internet, we usually enter a judgement free zone. Of course there are some gross things that really test our gag reflex (hello, pimple-popping phenomenon), but today's viral video is pretty tame and actually really cool. People can't seem to take their eyes off a melting EOS lip balm that's being cut in half with a hot knife. Sounds weird, right? But trust us—it's mesmerizing.

The clip is care of Watch.It.Melt, an entire Instagram and YouTube account that features short videos of different things, uh, melting. That's pretty much it. As you can see below, the secret geniuses behind the account take a large knife that was previously heated with a propane torch, and slice it right through a brand new, blue-and-white EOS lip balm. At first, the melting plastic does appear to resemble white chocolate (yum), but after a minute you see that the most damage was really done to the outer casing leaving the balm behind. "I'm still using the balm that didn't melt," reads the caption.

Blogger Marianna Hewitt shows us who to do the Kylie lip—without the Kylie Lip Kit.

Whether you find the melting EOS lip balm video soothing or cringe-worthy (that's a perfectly good balm, after all!) there's one thing we can count on for sure: the Internet will never cease to find simultaneously obscure and ordinary ways to entertain us.


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