Internet Thinks Khloé Kardashian Is Hiding Pregnancy in This New Pic

Of the myriad possibilities for hiding the visible signs of a pregnancy — ponchos, handbags, strategically placed wine glasses — this has got to be the most curious.

Khloé Kardashian, who is allegedly pregnant but has yet to confirm the pregnancy herself, has gone to great lengths to obscure her abdomen since reports of her alleged pregnancy broke in late September. She's done the bags, she's done the blazers, and she's even been accused of Photoshopping her belly to keep KUWTK fans guessing.

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But as of today, (if, indeed, she is pregnant) she's either run out of elaborate ruses to hide the existence of a mini-Kardashian to come, or she's officially stopped giving a fuck. Because in an Instagram post uploaded Monday, the material she's using to disguise signs of her (rumored) pregnancy is none other than her sisters, Kourtney Kardashian and Kim Kardashian.

In Kim's latest Insta post, esoterically captioned "Take San Fran...?", the three Kardashian sisters sit on a balcony overlooking San Francisco in a rather conspicuous-looking pose. Kim and Kourtney stand just ahead of Khloé in wide blazers with extremely '80s-inspired shoulders, and behind them stands one Khloé, visible only from the chest up.

Kardashian followers have already seized upon the...interesting...pose as undeniable proof of Khloé's status as a mom-to-be. The comments, besides the hardcore San Franciscans taking issue with Kim's nonchalant nicknaming of their fair city, are filled with references to the rumored pregnancy. "Hiding the khloe bump perhaps," mused one commenter. "Girl we are all dying to see that adorable bump!!!! How long are you going to keep us waiting?! Lol.... 💜" demanded another. "lol at them making sure they cover Khloe's belly," laughed a third. (My favorite is sydneygates_, who simply states "Weird pic." Indeed.)

Now, obviously, Khloé could just be placing bags and blazers and two of the world's most famous reality TV stars in front of her torso and still remain decidedly unpregnant. Not to mention, it's best not to play guessing games with women's bodies. Especially if they've been vocal against this kind of detective work in the past. Remember the age-old saying, "Never assume someone's pregnant until you literally see them in labor"? Wise words to abide by. Until Khloé literally comes out and says she's pregnant, it's probably best to keep the commentary and fan theories to yourself.

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