With plus-size models calling out Victoria's Secret for its lack of body diversity and brands taking vows against Photoshop, you would hope that folks would know better than to advertise with body-shaming methods. But unfortunately, that wasn't the case with online retailer Wish.com. As Metro reported, Wish.com is being criticized for the pictures it put up to sell a pair of plus-size tights. Rather than, you know, featuring a plus-size model wearing the tights, the website decided to have a thin model put their entire body inside the plus-size garment.
Obviously, this is extremely problematic for many reasons. Namely, the website is mocking and shaming plus-size individuals by using thin models' entire bodies to model the product, as if to emphasize the tights' size. Another huge issue is how the product is intended for plus-size customers, but is still being advertised by centering thin bodies, which "others" plus-size bodies and sends the message that thin bodies are "normal." Not to mention, using slim models for what is explicitly a plus-size product robs eligible plus-size models of job opportunities.
This isn't the first time someone thought using thin people to model clothes for plus-size individuals was a good idea. In April, fast fashion store Fashion Nova came under fire for using size 2 models to model its plus-size collection. Fashion Nova's CEO has since addressed the issue and promised to hire more plus-size models, but the fact that advertisements like these are a repeat occurrence in 2017 (almost 2018!) is disheartening.
Several Twitter users, including @Phiz_Bomb and writer Kathryn Way, have called out Wish.com's advertising, but the company has yet to address or alter the pictures. Metro has reportedly reached out to the Wish.com for comment, and we will update the story if and when the company responds.
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