Like red lipstick and lobs, hair colors created using the balayage technique have been spotted everywhere and on everyone. From Alexa Chung to Jessica Alba to queen Rihanna, all our favorites have toyed with balayage. It appears, however, that we have finally reached the tipping point — and the idea of balayage is actually going through something of a renaissance.
Get ready for reverse brunette balayage, brought to us by a Reddit user (and first spotted by PopSugar) named DEH0001, a.k.a. hairstylist Deryn Daniels, who works at Chrome Salon in Evergreen, Colorado. The bouncy waves she created are gold near the scalp, and then gently morph into various shades of brown, ending with a chocolate hue at the ends of the hair. “In a world full of blonde balayage, be a reverse,” she writes.
For those in the follicular in-group, you know that balayage is a French word that means “to sweep” or "scan." More specifically as it applies to hair, it means soft, subtle highlights at your roots, leading to thicker, more dramatic color at the tips. Remember how as a kid, you ran around outside and came home with those dreamy highlights? Yeah, that's the look I'm talking about. With that understanding, one might wonder how reverse brunette balayage works. To find out, we checked with Stevie, a master stylist at the Seven Salon in Seattle.
To achieve the look, you first "have to choose the tone of blonde you’d like to achieve as your base," Stevie explains. "For someone who has been working with their colorist for a while on achieving their desired blonde, this process will be a lot easier. If you have virgin or darker hair, it will require bleaching the hair to achieve. Next, pick your desired tone for your ends. Whether warm or cool, this color selection is key in balancing the overall look."
Adds Gynna Cayambe, a colorist at New York's Julien Farel salon: "Balayage technique is the most gentle way of creating highlights on hair of any shade, from dark blonde to lightest blonde. You can achieve any effect of highlights on the hair. Balayage allows you to create a unique pattern on each woman. The timing process and the number of highlights will determinate the shade and look of each client."
But take your time. And then, take some more.
"The most important part in the color selection process is working with your colorist to pick a base and secondary tone that would best complement your skin tone, eye color, lifestyle, and of course, your wallet. Here is an easy way to think about it: warm eye color, choose warm tones. Cool eye color, cool tones," explains Stevie, adding that the process takes time. "To blend the colors, use a color-melting technique in which you add more saturated color to the ends and blend in a controlled upward motion. To soften the blend, use a [repairing] conditioner to protect the hair shaft as you blend the darker color into the blonde."
Which begs the question: Why is this look becoming so popular? "Colorists are always looking for ways to reinvent trends, and while balayage is still having a really big moment, this is a new interpretation on how to achieve the look in a different way," says Stevie.
Plus, according to Cayambe, it's a reaction to seeing so much blonde hair everywhere, on seemingly everyone. "Many celebrities that people admire have this beautiful blonde hair that everyone wants to have. However, the upkeep and maintenance with other techniques can cause a lot of damage."
The balayage technique is universal and yes, can be used on anyone. But, and there's a major but here, "the original balayage rose to fame because it allows clients to try color without having to commit to maintaining their roots on a consistent basis. This is the opposite of that. With the lighter color at the roots, the reverse balayage is beautiful, but high maintenance. If you aren’t ready to commit to regular salon visits, it’s better to go traditional." All this is to say: If you want to go the reverse route, it's time to put your stylist on speed dial and carve out time in your calendar on the regular because you'll need touch-ups every four to eight weeks.
For those, like me, who don't actually remember their natural hair color, a few great items for giving your follicles some new life: Virtue's Full Shampoo, which is super moisturizing; Sisley's Phyto Hair and Scalp Extract, which helps your scalp deal with daily irritants; and of course, my personal, beloved, can't-live-without Living Proof Perfect Hair Day Styling Treatment, which turns every messy crown into magic.
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