Netflix Has Finally Added a Download Feature

Our prayers have been answered: Netflix just made the life-altering announcement of a new download feature in which users can watch movies and shows from the streaming service to watch offline. In other words, airplane flights, long bus rides and train trips will never be the same again.

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The download feature is available to all users worldwide on the iOS and Android apps. Apparently, not all content is available for download at this point—but shows such as Orange Is The New Black, Narcos, and The Crown are currently able to be watched offline.

"While many members enjoy watching Netflix at home, we’ve often heard they also want to continue their Stranger Things binge while on airplanes and other places where Internet is expensive or limited," said Netflix Director of Product Innovation Eddy Wu in a blog on the company's website. "Just click the download button on the details page for a film or TV series and you can watch it later without an internet connection."

Netflix shared the news with the world via a video posted to Twitter:

The advent of offline Netflix viewing isn't completely a surprise, though; Ted Sarandos, the streaming service's chief content officer, teased in an interview with CNBC that Netflix was already working on such a feature last month. He did imply, however, that the ability to download content from Netflix would initially be aimed at developing countries with less reliable Wi-Fi service. You really had us going there, Ted.

So, BRB, we're off to download all the things.

Now, watch how to get a 50 Shades of Grey-inspired smoky eye:

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