What Hillary Clinton's Purple Suit at her Concession Speech Means

Hillary Clinton just delivered an impassioned speech officially conceding the presidential election to her Republican opponent Donald Trump. "To all the young women, especially young woman, who put your faith in me, I want you to know nothing has made me prouder than to be your champion. I know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling, but hopefully someday soon, someone will," she told the gathered crowd and Americans watching from all over the country. And while we were deeply moved by her words, we couldn't help but take special note of Clinton's attire for the occasion.

Both Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, wore a striking royal purple — Hillary on her blouse and blazer lapels, and Bill on his tie. The hue is quite a departure from the traditional reds and blues we're used to seeing on all parties involved in an election, and so, we knew this had to mean something.

Could it be that Clinton was sending a strong message about bipartisanism? Of course, purple is what you get when you mix blue and red, the signature colors for the Democratic and Republican parties, respectively, and she did, after all, encourage cooperation across party lines in her speech.


"Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and a chance to lead," Clinton said.

Purple is also considered to be a color of mourning; in British Victorian era, purple was an acceptable color to wear following a death. Appropriate, as many today are laying to rest their hopes of Clinton making it to the Oval Office.

And, like the white pantsuit Clinton wore in the third presidential debate — the pantsuit that inspired women to cast their votes for her in all-white ensembles — purple has roots as a symbolic color in the suffragist movement. In the early 1900s, the British suffragettes chose purple as one of three colors to unite women in their movement. The color stands for dignity, a fitting message to accompany Clinton's humble words. And in the United States' own National Women's Party, suffragists used purple to symbolize loyalty to a cause — a point that Clinton also touched on in her concession.

"I’ve had successes and I’ve had setbacks. You will have successes and setbacks too, but please, never stop believing that fighting for what’s right is worth it."

Watch Trump Acceptance's Speech via Newsy:

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