Whomst among us is not a complete sucker for the holy collective of MAC lipsticks, particularly the reds? Ruby Woo, Russian Red, Lady Danger (personally, Chili is unjustly underrated in my opinion, just throwing that out there) — all the faves.
Well guess what, y'all.
I just figured out way to get them at a wee discount. Here's my "did you know" moment in 3... 2... Did you know that Nordstrom.com price-matches some products to offer the cheapest price? Well I just figured it out and subsequently just discovered that you can find every MAC red lipstick at a 15 percent discount. Not a huge cut, but if you've been meaning to replenish the nubs of Dubonnet rolling around your purse — you're welcome, ok? That slight discount could go towards a morning coffee or a taco from the taco truck.
What else is better in life than coffee, red lipstick and tacos? (That's a rhetorical question, don't answer that.)
Just go treat yourself to some Ruby Woo this weekend because you deserve it.
Red Red Red:
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