How to Get Paint and Glitter Out of Hair After Halloween

Halloween is right around the corner and if your costume involves any sort of hair glitter, paint, or goop, read on.

With the unicorn and mermaid hair trends taking over the beauty blogosphere, it’s easy to get swept up in the fantasy of channeling your favorite storybook character, if only for a day. But the reality is, no matter how spot-on your look turns out to be, it’s the removal process that’s often the trickiest. So, what’s a dreamer to do? Here, we asked the pros.

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If you're using glitter in your hair, it all starts with the proper application. First off, make sure the products you use are specifically meant for hair. While it may be tempting to add anything sparkly and within reach, say, glitter lip gloss, it will likely be a nightmare to remove when applied to your strands. Alternatively, consider mixing your glitter concoction yourself, suggests Kenna, evo brand ambassador and founder of Kennaland hair salon. The key is to deeply condition your hair to allow for easy removal. Try mixing glitter with evo’s Great Hydrator Moisture Mask and Gangster Grip Bonding Resin.

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Iker Lobo Perez / EyeEm

While applying, keep in mind that glitter, in particular, will get everywhere. “There’s no avoiding it! Apply it in the bathroom, away from your sofa if possible, or cover your furniture,” says Kenna. “Invest $1 in a tint brush — it’s the best way to apply any product evenly and precisely through the roots or on certain areas.”

When it comes to applying spray paint to hair, Daniel Mason-Jones, L’Oréal Professionnel artist as well as colorist and owner of Muse Salon and Spa advises not to stray too far from your natural shade. Going too dramatic in color can lead to staining. But if you must spay paint your hair a crazy color, “use L’Oréal Professionnel’s Mythic Oil to loosen the color pigment and follow with the Absolut Repair Lipidium Shampoo and Conditioner. It’s very important to follow up with conditioner in order to close the cuticle and preserve hair that may have already been previously colored professionally.”

Upon adding beads or other small accessories to your hair, Mason-Jones recommends using L’Oréal Professionnel’s Or Graphic Gel as the first step before styling. Following, take a blow dryer and gently dry the décor on hair with the setting on low.

And finally, when the party’s over and the Instagram snapshots have been taken, comes the removal process.

Fashion beauty portrait of a girl with dark make-up and creative hairstyle with feathers.


Kenna recommends to apply evo’s Normal Persons Daily Shampoo to dry hair and emulsify, adding a tiny bit of water as you lather. This pure shampoo will help dislodge the bulk. Next step: Towel dry with a microfiber towel that’s gentle on hair, like these ones from AQUIS. Repeat.

If you’ve really taken Halloween seriously and went all out on your hair, consider booking a professional wash. Just make sure to give the salon a heads up about the status of your hair. Kenna recalls, “Once, we had a girl come in for a blowout and it took 11 washes to get clean!”

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