The state of my scalp is something that I am constantly aware of. When I was in college, my best friend’s boyfriend made a comment on how my scalp was flaking (yeah, he was rude). My wardrobe — being predominantly black (and sometimes millennial pink ) — makes me nervous sometimes. Black isn't necessarily the best to wear when your scalp is serving North Pole realness. Needless to say, it’s not fun, and I’m always on the hunt for any recommendations that can calm my scalp down.
As I was getting my hair cut and colored a few weeks ago, my stylist told me to exfoliate my scalp once a week. “I usually use my fingernails,” he said; and when I asked him if a scrub might help, he said, “Try it, and report back.” So I did.
I didn't have to look far for one, as digital editor Jihan Forbes gave me dpHue’s Apple Cider Vinegar Scalp Scrub. I'm convinced she has an uncanny ability to read my mind...or maybe she just saw me itching my scalp, who knows. In the jar, you’ll see the crushed up, pink Himalayan sea salt crystals hidden behind the label. Once you open it, you see the goop in all its glory — with slightly darker speckles of pink. It smells just like Apple Cider Vinegar (which I admit, is a little unsettling), and feels way grittier than a typical scrub.
I tested the product while in the shower. I took a scoop into my hands and used my fingertips to work it across my scalp. It wasn’t easy at first because the salt crystals got caught in my hair before they hit my scalp; but as I massaged it in, the crystals melted down and the scrub felt like a moisturizing hair lotion. As I rinsed out the scrub, my scalp felt incredibly clean. I took a closer look with my mini x10 mirror and there were no flakes or dry skin.
“This product cleanses the scalp in several different ways,” says New York City dermatologist, Rachel Nazarian, “One is through physical exfoliation, primarily due to the first ingredient: sea salt. These coarse granules mechanically remove dead skin cells and build up on the scalp. Additional methods of cleaning are from the apple cider vinegar, which is an antimicrobial (and decreases bacteria on the skin), and urea which chemically degrades dead skin cells and helps decrease build up on the scalp.” As an added bonus, my hair felt moisturized — with the unique texture that you only feel after an apple cider rinse — without the lingering acidic smell.
Though the scrub made a huge difference in my scalp, Nazarian adds that a scalp scrub may not be necessary for everyone. “Remember that scalp skin and hair are made up of delicate and sensitive fibers. A scalp scrub may make you feel cleaner, but is not generally needed for most people, and can weaken hair fibers with repeated use,” she says. Like my stylist, Nazarian mentioned that it using your fingertips to slough off dead skin is effective for a majority of people.
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