RT002 Is a New Neuromodulator Injectable for Fine Lines

There's a new way to freeze your face. Currently dubbed RT002, the new type of neuromodulator — a wrinkle-busting class of treatments you might recognize by the brand names Botox, Xeomin, or Dysport — is making waves in the world of injectables. If approved by the Food and Drug Administration, it will be the first injection of its kind to last six months — and dermatologists are psyched.

"As a doctor, I love having more options and being able to choose the right products for the right patient in the right concentration and formulation," Doris Day, a dermatologist in New York City and author of Beyond Beautiful, tells Allure. Developed by biotechnology company Revance, the daxibotulinumtoxinA injection just wrapped two clinical trials where it was shown to successfully treat moderate to severe glabellar lines (a.k.a. the furrow lines you get between your brows).

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"I'm really excited at the data," says Day, who was not involved with the implementation of the trial but did review the full data set with the scientists who were. "These were two clinical trials that were six months in duration and they had very consistent results from one to the other. I'm really impressed."

So, how does the next-generation injectable compare to what's currently on the market? "There are several different brands of botulinum toxin on the market right now and each have slightly different diffusion properties and time to start working," Joshua Zeichner, director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, tells Allure. "Generally speaking, the effects all of these products last somewhere between three and five months."

That not only means more frequent visits to the dermatologist, but more cash coming out of your wallet. "RT002 would be the first long-acting neuromodulator, with effects lasting an average of six months," Jessica Wu, a Los Angeles-based dermatologist, tells Allure. "This means that patients would only need to get treatments for their frown lines twice a year, as compared to three to four times a year with the currently available products."

There is a downside to the improved staying power. "Greater duration is wonderful when you are pleased with the results," says Wu. "However, this also means that it will take longer for less-than-optimal results to wear off — for example, if you get a droopy eyelid or uneven eyebrows."

This makes it "even more critically important to see someone who knows how to inject and who understands anatomy," adds Day. "It's like saying because Picasso was an oil painter, you can just go buy oil paints and paint a Picasso. It doesn't work that way," Day explains. "It becomes even more important to have trained aesthetic physicians, who are trained both in anatomy and injections, but also trained in this product."

Another major differentiator is that RT002, unlike the injectables currently on the market, contains no human or animal based components, which Revance says "carry a potential risk of transmitting pathogens." This is important because, as Wu says, RT002 may appeal to those who want to avoid products with human or animal components. So far, the findings of the trials haven't found any added risks of using RT002.

In addition to the aesthetics, the next-gen neuromodulator is also being tested for therapeutic uses. "Currently, RT002 is in clinical development for the treatment of plantar fasciitis, a chronic, stabbing heel pain that is common in runners; and for the treatment of cervical dystonia, a painful spasmodic condition in which the neck muscles contract involuntarily, causing the head to turn or twist uncontrollably," a spokesperson for Revance tells Allure. The company is committed to bringing as many therapeutic uses of the injection to market as possible.

For both aesthetic and therapeutic uses, RT002 is still in the testing phase — it will be a few years before it's approved for commercial use and we don't know for sure how much it will cost. "It is unclear whether it will actually save patients money," says Zeichner. "However, it certainly will save visits to the office."

So far, the data points to game changer status — for your frown lines at the very least. "We will need to be very careful when treating areas that require very small doses, such as the lips, chin, and other areas of the lower face," cautions Wu. You'll also have to be extra careful of the doses docs use — with the longer-lasting formula, it might be easier to end up with that unintentional frozen look, she adds.

"Many of my patients have told me that they 'wish Botox lasted longer,' so I’m sure I will have a waiting list when RT002 is close to being FDA-approved," says Wu. "However, as with any new product, I will be very careful when I start treating patients, since what we see in real life doesn't always match what was seen in the clinical trial."

For more neuromodulators:

Now, watch as a dermatologist explains lip injections:

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