It's been less than four months since Kylie Jenner was rumored to be with child, but for every reporter blessed with the Sisyphean task of bringing you news of an unborn Kardashian, it honestly feels like years. This Sunday, however, all of this speculation could come to an end. In the promo for the next Keeping Up With the Kardashians episode, it appears as though Jenner will, at last, reveal she is pregnant.
Let's walk through the evidence, shall we? The first clue is the title of the teaser, which promises a two-night spectacular to air on Sunday and Monday. The rarity of this event indicates some major event will take place in the lives of the Kardashian-Jenners, something like, for example, Kylie Jenner being pregnant. The second clue is the very physiognomy of the Kardashian-Jenners themselves. As the narrator teases an episode "full of Kardashian surprises," the camera pans to a quick succession of extremely shocked faces, suggesting something unexpected, something like, say, the pregnancy of Kylie Jenner. The third clue is the most convincing of all. At around 14 seconds into the video, the narrator emphasizes the episode will bring "announcements" and "news so big," we get an entire scene of Kardashian-Jenners and company screaming "WHAT?" The only thing that could elicit such a reaction is, obviously, Kylie Jenner's pregnancy.
Of course, this could all be the wishful thinking of someone who has been on the Kardashian-Jenner pregnancy beats (yep, plural not singular) since literally forever. After all, the Kardashians are notorious for their...creative editing, conjuring drama, and suspense where there were previously none. The shocked faces we see in the teaser could very well be in response to something completely unrelated to Jenner's alleged pregnancy, such as the mime (?) who ambushes Kris Jenner around six seconds in. If they were feeling particularly cruel, the surprise could also be the pregnancy of Khloé Kardashian, which was recently declassified via her Instagram.
But the Kardashians are nothing if not extremely, extremely social media savvy. They smell waning attention spans like sharks smell blood. With Khloé Kardashian having revealed her pregnancy in December, it looks like the power family is sensing that they have stretched the "to pregnant or not to pregnant" storyline to its limit. If not, well, consider this their official warning.
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