Are Wellness Clubs the New Social Hang-Out Spots?

As a busy director of business development in New York City, Lauren Kassan often felt like an urban nomad, trekking up and down the city for meetings and events. “I was zigzagging between a million commitments and using spaces like the bathroom at Starbucks as the place to change and charge a dying phone,” she says. Inspired to find a better solution, she teamed up with her friend, Audrey Gelman, to launch The Wing—a hang-out area based in New York City, where women can hit the reset/refresh button, socialize, fire off emails with free Wi-Fi, store their gym bags, and enjoy matcha tea. In other words: a modern version of the women’s club.

“In the process of developing the idea, we realized that we were resurrecting these spaces for the needs of contemporary women,” says Kassan. Since opening three months ago, The Wing is already 500 members strong, and has become the go-to spot for smart, motivated millennial and cool girls of all ages (Lena Dunham, Emily Weiss, Hari Nef, Jenna Lyons, and Tina Brown, to name a few) who want to decompress, but also “run the world together,” as the website puts it.

The workspace at The Wing

Courtesy of The Wing

The desire for such evolved spaces isn’t limited to women. Recently, a number of unisex social clubs have emerged as the next generation of co-working spaces with an emphasis on wellness. Last June, Lisa Skye Hain co-founded Primary, a community-oriented shared workspace in New York’s Financial District. Hain, who was employee number one at co-working startup WeWork, was inspired to create the workspace thanks to her interest in yoga and meditation. “It occurred to me that nothing like this existed in New York City, a shared office space that brings wellness amenities to our members at arm’s reach,” she says. In addition to dedicated desks, private offices, communal lounges, and charging stations, the 25,000-square foot sanctuary also hosts anywhere from two to eight classes a day (Vinyasa flow yoga, guided meditation, nutritional boot camps, run clubs, and more), and includes a locker room for changing and a café that serves kombucha tea and bone broth (the latter is especially popular in winter to ward off cold.) The curated experience stems from the belief that “if you make your ‘primary’ focus yourself, your wellness, your well-being, all else—including your business—will thrive,” says Hain.

The locker room at Primary

Courtesy of Primary

That same mantra is behind High Court, a fitness-inspired social club that’s set to open later this year and seeks to be your “third space” between home, gym, and work. “We wanted an alternative to spending time in a restaurant or bar that could be a place where you take purposeful breaks before you hit your desk or head out to dinner,” says co-founder Hailey Brooks.

Other clubs, meanwhile, aim to strengthen your mind—and social connections—through cultural experiences. Catering to the fashion, art, design, and entertainment industries, the recently launched Spring Place is busy building out “hubs” in New York that function as both “creative factories” and “business accelerators,” says chairman Francesco Costa. Since opening in June, the TriBeCa location has played host to events like the CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund after-party and a fête to celebrate Google’s collaboration with artist Jeff Koons. The concept is simple: Mingling with like-minds over canapés and modern art can spark ideas.

The music room at Spring Place

Courtesy of Spring Place

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The lounge area at Spring Place

Courtesy of Spring Place

Entrepreneurs, in particular, need a place to hash out concepts on white boards, connect with potential investors, and “incubate new ideas,” says Costa, who believes the popularity of such multi-functional clubs is tied to a mind shift happening in the workplace right now. “I think the time is right due to sweeping global changes we’ve seen in the freelance economy and the explosion in the start-up culture,” he says. And regardless of your work set-up, finding a little peace and quiet can be a major perk. “One of the things we hear most from our members is how the space has increased their personal productivity,” says The Wing’s Kassan. “It's so easy to get distracted in the office or as a freelancer at home, and the pre-happy hour vibe at The Wing is defined by dozens of women peacefully and systematically making a dent in their to-do lists.”

While the networking potential at co-working clubs is huge, since you have a built-in audience, Kassan point out that traditional let’s-do-business-together scenarios can often turn very “bro” and run counter to the way women actually want to interact and engage with each other. The Wing’s “no boys allowed” policy neutralizes that somewhat charged atmosphere and creates a less competitive, more collaborative spirit. “We’re building a community of women who are looking to connect and support each other’s advancement,” she says.

Taking care of ourselves—physically, mentally, spiritually—is everything. People are finally starting to see that

Another reason these next-generation social clubs are taking off at the moment: In our hyper-fast-paced culture, it’s a chance to put down the phone and chill in real-time. “Despite how easy it is to connect 24/7 online, it’s just as hard as ever to meet new friends,” says Kassan, who notes that three-quarters of members say they use The Wing for that purpose. “That could mean meeting a potential creative collaborator, a professional contact, or just simply a new person to see movies with.” Without getting overly sentimental, she adds, “One of the most fulfilling parts of starting The Wing has been the experience of watching new friendships form.” Costa agrees, and says it’s not just transplants or newcomers who benefit from introductions. “People want to feel connected to a community, whether they are visiting a city or have lived there for years.”

The cafe area at Primary

Courtesy of Primary

True, membership does come at a price. Primary’s rates start at $300 per month while The Wing’s ring in at $185 per month (or $1,950 per year). The Spring Place offers a 30 percent discount to members who are under 30 years-old, and a reduced rate for small, start-up companies. The criteria used to grant membership can also vary. “The right mindset is probably most important,” says Costa when considering applications, while The Wing looks for diversity among career types. “We want to make sure our members meet women who they wouldn't normally have the chance to meet,” explains Kassan. “We have members of all different backgrounds—physicians, investment bankers, politicians, activists, investigative reporters, musicians, and many more.”

Given the boom in this club scene, there will be more opportunities than ever to be a joiner and drink the green juice in the well-appointed surroundings (tricked out with everything from Glossier beauty products to plenty of low-slung modernist furniture). Primary is already at 90 percent occupancy and plans to open four new locations in New York, and break ground in Los Angeles, San Francisco, London, and Toronto in the near future. Expansion is also in the works for Spring Place, says Costa, who has Los Angeles, Brooklyn, Milan, London, and Paris next on his radar. The Wing anticipates adding a second outpost in 2017 as well.

“The world is waking up to the importance of wellness,” says Hain, regarding the demand for spaces that blur the lines between work, health and play. “It isn’t a trend, it is here to stay. Taking care of ourselves—physically, mentally, spiritually—is everything. People are finally starting to see that.” And if nothing else, it’s a place to catch a breather and bond with others—in surprising and unexpected ways. Kassan, for her part, is pumped about starting up a new breakfast series for members based on their zodiac sign. “I’m really excited to have coffee with all the other type-A Virgos out there!”

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