*Beauty and the Beast* First Look: Emma Watson Is a Vision in Belle's Wedding Dress

Beauty and the Beast fever has officially hit the Internet this week. Disney, maker of many a beloved family film, always has special merchandise for its big movies, but they might want to be a little more careful about when they release their toys.

Already today, we had our first listen to Emma Watson's straight-up gorgeous singing voice via an audio recording from a Belle doll that's already in stores—and now, a different doll is giving us a glimpse of Watson-as-Belle in what seems an awful lot like the character's wedding dress.

The first photo of the bridal look was spotted on the packaging of a wedding-themed set of Belle and Beast-turned-Prince dolls. The gown she's walking down the aisle in is cream-colored, but it also boasts a pattern of pink flowers across the bodice, the skirt, and on what looks to be mesh three-quarter-length sleeves. The look is unique but classic all at once. See the gorgeous dress in the below photos:

In the original animated film, Belle doesn't actually wear a wedding dress, but it's not really a spoiler to say that she and the Beast end up getting hitched in the end. With a gown like that, how could Belle not put it to use?

The white number is only the latest in a slew of costumes that Watson wears in the revival of the classic movie. The blue apron outfit Belle has on in the beginning of the movie has gotten a major, edgy update, and we'd be remiss if we didn't give a shout out to the timeless yellow ballgown that we've all envied since childhood. The great Emma Watson wears them all well.

Actually, Disney, on second thought, keep these sneak peeks coming. We don't mind at all.

Related Stories:
-Beauty and the Beast First Look: Emma Watson Dances in That Iconic Yellow Gown
-Emma Watson's Opening Costume in Beauty and the Beast Is Way Edgier Than the Original
-Listen to the First Clip of Emma Watson Singing as Belle in Beauty and the Beast

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