Lorde Shows Off Her "Monobrow" on the Cover of Vogue Australia

Eyebrow trends have changed quite a bit over the years, and recently the look in favor has skewed toward a more full, bushy brow (rumor has it that Cara Delevingne officially started this trend, but who could know for sure?). Though some of us have spent prior decades over-plucking and now are at the mercy of products and microblading to achieve the current look, others find their natural brows are now the exact look everybody wants — including Lorde.

Lorde just appeared on the cover of Vogue Australia sporting her usual strong, thick eyebrows. The singer looks gorgeous in the shots; she's captured in golden light wearing timeless clothing, and her hair is pulled back and slightly windswept. She posted some of the photos to her own Twitter, captioning it "VOGUE BABY AHHH! ✨🍌☺️" so she's clearly excited.

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She went on to tweet about how wild the experience has been, saying, "it's literally fucked that i could be on the cover of vogue i used to get called monobrow at school that BROW IS ON COVER OF VOGUE." Teasing kids about appearance is no joke — you remember stuff like this forever, even once you've become as successful and famous as Lorde has. However, it definitely looks like she and her "monobrow" have gotten their comeuppance.


How to Fake Brows Like Cara Delevingne:

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