Khloé Kardashian Looked Stunning In Her Maternity Jumpsuit on Christmas Eve

As you might have heard by now, the epic annual Kardashian Christmas party took place on Christmas Eve — and Kris Jenner left no stop un-pulled. You also might have heard that the family has also been teasing us all Advent season long by issuing a day-by-day Christmas-card-style pic of the family, all sans Kylie Jenner, which many speculated had to do with the fact that she was planning to reveal her rumored pregnancy on Christmas Day (she didn't!). But enough about the family — we're here to talk about Khloé Kardashian, who announced her own pregnancy on December 20, and what she wore to the Krismas party on Sunday night.

What she wore was the world's sparkliest, nakedest jumpsuit. We caught a glimpse of it in some of the videos from the family's huge party, but it wasn't until Monday that she posted a picture of it to her Instagram. It's perfect for the kind of all-out party Kris hosted: The whole garment was decked out in undulating lines of fringe that gave it a very modern flapper vibe practically designed for the KiraKira app. You can bet there was a gorgeous white fur coat thrown over the look.

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We've definitely seen other members of the family in naked dresses before, too — they're practically famous for them, after all. Kendall Jenner wore one made from a single piece of string. Kim Kardashian, when she isn't foregoing pants altogether, has also been known to don a naked dress from time to time (one notable example being one made of totally transparent vinyl-looking material).

But we're loving this ultra-fresh take on the look. Hey, a jumpsuit is probably better for dancing, anyway — and there was a lot of that going on last night.


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