Model and Actress Karrueche Tran Shares How She Maintains Her Flawless Skin

Model and actress Karrueche Tran has been busy. When she’s not entertaining her 7 million-and-counting followers on Instagram with her silly personality, or speaking out on social issues like black lives matter and mental health awareness, she's working hard on a number of exciting projects. In the last two years alone, she's maintained a robust modeling career, launched two instantly sold-out makeup collections, KaePop and Fema Rosa, with popular cosmetics brand ColourPop, and has booked a number acting gigs, with the most recent being her role as Virginia Loc in the TNT television series, Claws. (Phew!)

In between her busy schedule, we recently caught up with the rising starlet at the Curve fragrance holiday party she hosted in New York City to talk about her budding career, how she maintains her flawless skin, and what beauty items she's planning on gifting to her loved ones this holiday season.

Allure: Your skin always looks flawless. What is your current skin-care routine, and do you use sunscreen on a regular basis?

Karrueche Tran: "My moisturizer doesn't have a sunscreen in it. I've been told that I should have a moisturizer with sunscreen to protect myself, [especially since] I'm the person who tans with no sunscreen. I just don't like the way sunscreen feels — it's oily.

My morning routine consists of washing my face, using a serum, and then a moisturizer. At night, I wipe my face with Burt's Bees face wipes, or if it's a day like today where I have a little bit more makeup on, I use Aveeno's cleansing pads, which has soap in it. It gets everything [off]. If I have the time after wiping my face, I'll steam my face, which opens up the pores. [Afterwards], I put a mask on, usually a pore cleansing mask to get the dirt out of there. Then I wipe the mask off, use a serum and then a moisturizer. If it's nighttime, then I'll use a night cream."

Allure: It's a really simple routine, but it's definitely paying off.

KT: "Yeah, sometimes I'm like, 'Ugh, I don't feel like doing this,' but you've got to do what you've got to do."

Allure: Just like your skin, your hair is always on point. What's your earliest hair memory growing up?

KT: "My father is a hairstylist and one of my aunts is a hairstylist as well, so I remember dyeing my hair in elementary school. My hair was how it is now [Editor's note: she had two pieces fringes on the left and right side of her face] and they were green . . . or was it blue? I don't [remember], but after a while, it faded to a really ugly green color. I don't know what I was thinking. I think my dad did it for me. [Since] my dad did hair, I was always doing something with my hair. I then invested in a flat-iron in high school, and that was the worst because I was feeling myself and was always flat-ironing my hair. I have curly hair, so that kind of killed my curls a little bit."

Allure: What do you use for your curls now to get them super-defined?

KT: "Soft Sheen‑Carson's Care Free Curl Gold Instant Activator. I used to use it all the time to restore my curls. When I put it on at night or after I wash my hair, it would really help my curls come back."

Allure: What are some of the biggest hair lessons you've learned from your dad?

KT: "He was always doing crazy fun stuff, and that's probably why I had so much fun being able to do [different] hairstyles. That's why until this day, I like being able to switch it up and have fun since at an early age I was doing so much."

Allure: If you had to choose just one or two beauty products to live with for the rest of your life, what would they be?

KT:"I'd have to have a really good moisturizer because it's the foundation of your face. Also, a good chapstick. That is the most basic [answer], but that gets me through my day. I couldn't last all day on lip gloss. I couldn't [last] all day without moisturizer. Oh god, that would kill me."

Allure: Given the holidays are approaching, what beauty-related products are you gifting to family this year?

KT: "Curve, of course. All of the men are getting tons of Curve. I'm going to hook one of my friends up, so I got one of them a face steamer and I'm going to give them a bunch of masks as well. My mom loves Chanel face products, so I'll probably gift her that. Anything beauty-, makeup-, or fragrance-related are great gifts because that's something people will love and utilize."

Allure: Are there any Curve colognes in general that you really love?

KT: "Curve Black. I've given it to my little brother. Even my makeup artist said he loves Curve Black as well."

Allure: Outside of beauty, are you working on any exciting projects at the moment?

KT: "In January, I go to New Orleans for five to six months to start filming Claws again, so that will take up half of my year. In between [that], I sometimes do photo shoots or magazine covers or collaborations, [so I'll] just continue to work and progress and keeping that momentum going."

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