Using indoor tanning beds, even if it was just a couple times, can seriously up your risk of skin cancer. And as we've previously reported, it's even more important to get screened if you've used them.
In a new study published in JAMA Dermatology, researchers set out to determine the factors that make both tanners and non-tanners more likely to get screened for skin cancer. Out of a survey of over 30,000 adults, they found several factors are correlated with your likelihood of getting screened by a pro.
Number one for both tanners and non-tanners is age. "People 65 and older are much more likely to be screened than younger folks, and this makes sense because cancer risk increases with age," Carolyn Heckman, lead author on the study, tells Allure. Other factors that up your likelihood of getting screened include higher income, propensity to seek out health information online, having a family history of skin cancer, and practicing other safe sun habits, like using sunscreen with a high SPF. (Need SPF help? Try these new picks for summer.)
How often should you be getting screened?
"I generally recommend that someone with no risk factors get a skin cancer screening once a year by a board-certified dermatologist," Sejal Shah, a dermatologist in New York City, tells Allure.
Official recommendations on this are murky, however. In 2016, the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force concluded that there's not currently enough evidence to recommend regular skin cancer screenings by a primary care provider for individuals 15 and older with no history of skin cancer. But the American Academy of Dermatology Association issued a statement disagreeing with the findings and the USPSTF's recommendation, saying "early detection is vital in the fight against skin cancer."
Interestingly, the study found that indoor tanners were actually more likely to get regular recommended screenings than non-tanners. "Some of them may realize — particularly once they have given up indoor tanning — that they are at higher risk for skin cancer," Heckman explains. According to the findings, about 30 percent of tanners had been screened for skin cancer by a doctor (compared to 20 percent of non-tanners). The study also found that tanners were likely to start getting screened younger than non-tanners.
Despite the confusion around official recommendations, getting regularly screened by a dermatologist is still important, says Shah — especially if you have risk factors for skin cancer, such as a history of using tanning beds. While risk factors vary for different types of skin cancers, things such as family history of cancer, fair skin, tons of sun exposure, and having a large number of moles can all weigh on your risk. "In general, more frequent exams are recommended if you have added risk factors," Shah says. "Your dermatologist can help you determine schedule is best for you."
Why aren't more people getting screened?
The study didn't look into what's preventing 70 percent of tanners and 80 percent of non-tanners from getting recommended skin checks, but Heckman has a few hypotheses. Factors, such as inconvenience and cost, might be getting in the way. "Reaching out to high-risk individuals who have low socioeconomic status and offering free screenings when possible could be helpful," Heckman says.
So, what's the bottom line? There's one thing you should be doing regardless of whether or not you've used a tanning bed, says Shah: Perform self-skin exams regularly. The Skin Cancer Foundation currently recommends checking yourself from head-to-toe skin once a month.
For more information on skin cancer prevention:
Now, learn all about the history of sunscreen:
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