2016 has been a big year for beauty: Kylie Jenner launched lip kits, James Charles became the first ever male Covergirl, and people finally stopped contouring their faces past the point of recognizability. As truly awesome as some of the trends that have come up in the last 12 months have been (metallic makeup FTW), there are some that we can’t wait to see die the minute 2017 hits. Here are 11 2016 beauty moments that we should all agree to ring out with the new year.
1. 100 Layers Of Anything
I never want to see more than two layers of foundation, nail polish, or lip gloss ever again. It is literally too much. Ain't nobody got time for that.
2. Unregulated Sheet Masks
… Remember when we all found out the horror stories about how sheet masks are packed? So. Gross. Here’s hoping none of us will be putting home-folded masks on our faces in 2017
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3. Succulent Nails
I think we can all agree that we took our collective love for cactuses a little too far with this one, you guys. Let's stick to gel designs from now on.
4. Knife Liner
Trying to create a perfect cat eye is already hard enough. Peace OUT to this impossible-to-do liner trend in 2017.
5. Using Art Supplies as Makeup
Our moms were right when they yelled at us when we were little for trying to draw on felt-tipped lipliner during art class. Markers are NOT, under any circumstances, meant for your face! Art supplies aren't approved by literally anyone for beauty use, and they can cause your skin to seriously freak out. Plus, who knows if it will ever actually come off.
6. Furry Nails
Because how do you wash your hands (or do anything, really) when you have tiny little creatures living on them?!
7. Craft Glue As A Facial Product
This year, people were using craft glue for everything from face masks to brow gel, and apparently didn't care that they were ripping off skin and hair follicles in the process. Just... no. Next year, opt for a clay or exfoliating mask instead.
8. Curling Hair With Weird Stuff
From Cheetos to tampons to marshmallows, 2016's vlogger circuit found all kinds of crazy things to get their ringlets with this year. Just because something works (which apparently, curling your hair with Cheetos does) doesn't mean we should do it.
9. Pokemon Beauty Products
Let's please throw away all of our Pikachu-related palettes so we can collectively forget that "Pokemon GO" was ever a thing. That was a weird two weeks.
10. Bizarre Highlighters
I don't need my highlighter palette to look like a pizza, a unicorn, or a 17-shade rainbow — I just need it to make me look like a dewy, glowing goddess.
11. Using Food as Beauty Products
We all know that a lot of all-natural foods have beauty benefits. But using macaroni-and-cheese powder and butter as makeup isn't only gross, it's really, really bad for your skin. Plus, why would you ever to waste Mac and Cheese?!
One-minute holiday beauty hacks:
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