NYFW S/S 2018: Mansur Gavriel's Models Wore Scrunchies

I still don't understand why scrunchies are so polarizing, but people seem to get heated upon seeing them — either they love them as functional hair accessories come elastic totems to nostalgia, or they stick their noses in the air to the outdated and garishly childish hair bobble. Whatever, they still hold hair, don't leave as severe a dent as a regular hair elastic, and you don't lose them as easily due to their more voluminous shape.

Not my point — but as someone on team scrunchie, I was amused to see them holding back the models' hair at the Mansur Gavriel NYFW S/S 2018 show this afternoon. Bumble And Bumble Creative Director, Laurent Phillipon had the models' hair loosely and haphazardly textured in that very chic natural-beauty-by-way-of-french-girl-beauty styling, cascading past shoulder-length. The cincher was a scrunchie securing a low loose pony below the base of the neck.

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Super casual, so effortless it's damn near thoughtless altogether, and yet... I find this very aspirationally uplifting. The simplicity of just gathering whatever hair falls behind your shoulders and no-mirror securing it with a fancy scrunchie (read: the scrunchie must be fancy, and in this case is a Mansur Gavriel), as if to say, "Oh, this old thing?"

It's a practical accessory worn slightly impractically — the ultimate chic power move. It could just slide out at any moment! But a bit of Bumble And Bumble's Prêt-à-Powder gave the hair some grip so that did not happen. Phew!

It is as if French Girl Beauty wandered into a parallel dimension in which Sister-Wives Beauty was a thing, and the result was this chic and humble scrunchie-pony (scrony?).

My hair is just grazing my shoulders so I'll have to wait until it grows several inches before I can replicate such elegant nonchalance, which should give me plenty of time to join into a polygamist marriage, I guess.

More Thoughts on Scrunchies:

Wear it low, pick it up slow...

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