Ted Cruz Apparently Likes This Kind of Porn

When it comes to porn and masturbation, our philosophy is pretty much "you do you" (literally). As long as no one is harmed by the pornography you enjoy and you're masturbating alone or with consenting parties, it's all good. Want to throw in some vibrator action, too? Go for it. What's not cool? Opposing sex toys and the right to masturbate...and then going on to like a porn video depicting a threesome via your very public Twitter account. Basically, don't be Ted Cruz.

The Internet is currently having a field day over the fact that Cruz's Twitter account liked a hard-core pornography clip from an account called @SexuallPosts early on Tuesday. The action was quickly undone, and it's unknown whether it was Cruz or one of his staff members who liked the video. Cruz's senior communications advisor Catherine Frazier, for her part, sent a tweet saying the incident had been reported to Twitter, seeming to suggest Cruz's account had been hacked.

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Whoever is responsible, the gaffe was noticed quickly by folks on Twitter, with many offering one-liners about the hypocrisy of Cruz's apparent predilection for porn. Twitter users also resurfaced a Vanity Fair article from last year titled "Ted Cruz Doesn't Believe You Have the Right to Masturbate," reminding us of Cruz's impassioned efforts to ban sex toy sales in Texas back when he was solicitor general. In the brief, he called sex toys "obscene devices." It's no big deal for a 46-year-old man — or anyone, really — to like porn. But it's definitely not in line with the image this anti-vibrator senator has attempted to create for himself.


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