I Got a Non Surgical Nose Job, and Here's What Happened

The idea that you can get your ideal nose shape in under 15 minutes sounds impossible, but Los Angeles-based cosmetic surgeon Alexander Rivkin has found a way to do it in — wait for it — approximately five minutes. In less than the time it takes to run a mile, Rivkin injects the nose's bridge with hyaluronic acid filler (he prefers Restylane), creating a smooth, heightened nose using a treatment dubbed the non-surgical nose job. We sent two daring editors — with two completely different noses — to give the procedure a try.

Although people have told me assured me my nose is just fine, I am extremely unhappy with it. I think it's a bit too wide, and I wish it wasn't so flat. When offered the chance to get a non-surgical nose job, I jumped at the opportunity. The catch? The procedure would be filmed live (as in during a Facebook Live), so I had to keep my cool while on camera.

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"Easy peasy," I thought. Because I have an extremely high pain tolerance and the procedure's name is prefaced with "non-surgical," the whole thing felt less daunting. Cut to when Rivkin pulled out the needle. Like my first experience getting a tattoo, the apprehension didn't set in until I watched Rivkin prepare the superfine needle in front of me. Before the injection process began, he walked me through exactly what he'd do to achieve the nose shape I desired — one that was higher and less wide. He said he would inject along the bridge of my nose and a few times on the tip to give it more height. Fear really set in at that point. "How many injections would this actually take?" I thought. Then, he pulled out the numbing cream and swiped it across my bridge. The tingling sensation was intense, giving me a sense of security that I wouldn't feel a thing.

As soon as we went live, comments began flooding in, asking why I wanted this procedure in the first place. (To the readers who wonder the same: I've always wanted a nose job because growing up, I never thought my nose fit my face. This is my nose, and if it would make me feel more confident, why wouldn't I get it altered?). After Rivkin finished introducing the procedure, he turned to face me and at that point, my nose was completely numb. He pinched my bridge and started injecting. Yes, I could feel the pressure of the needle, but there was no pain as he went down my bridge. I only felt a pinch when he started jabbing at the tip of my nose with a needle.

The end result wasn't what I expected. Though the procedure did not cut down on how wide my nose actually was, it gave me the height that I wanted, along with a cute little "ski-jump" at the end of my nose. The results were so dramatic from the side profile that even my family (who I hadn't informed I was getting the procedure) began complimenting me on how "cute" my nose was.

Overall, I was extremely happy with the results, but sadly, it metabolized over the course of four months. I would, hands down, get this procedure again in lieu of the surgical nose job I plan to get one day.

If you're considered undergoing treatment via a non-surgical nose job, before seeking treatment, make an appointment with a board-certified dermatologist and/or cosmetic surgeon to figure out your options. As for pricing, rates usually depend on the provider, but the average cost of a non-surgical nose job is typically around $1,000.

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